covert affairs

Do Not Get in the Way of Paula Broadwell’s Car Door

In this Jan. 15, 2012 photo, Paula Broadwell, author of the David Petraeus biography
Photo: T. Ortega Gaines

Throngs of reporters and photographers remain camped out in Charlotte with the hope of witnessing Paula Broadwell’s public breakdown or at least documenting her post-Petraeus outfits, and today, they caught a glimpse of her, with some getting closer than others. “I had my camera and in all the chaos the door slammed and I got hit in the head with the flash,” AP photographer Nell Redmond explained to the Daily News, which scored a picture of Redmond’s war wound. (Broadwell, for the record, was wearing a turtleneck and puffy vest.) It’s a dangerous job, but somebody has to do it.

Paula Broadwell Hits Photographer With Car Door