kids today

Handcuffed 7-Year-Old and Alleged Victim Battle It Out in the Tabloids

Photo: New York Post

In Wednesday’s New York Post cover story, Wilson Reyes, a 7-year-old who was handcuffed and held by the NYPD for ten hours (or maybe five), claims that he was falsely accused of robbing and punching another boy. That child, 9-year-old Seth Acevedo, insists Reyes is lying, so naturally he had no choice but to tell his side of the story in a Daily News exclusive. Acevedo’s mother describes Reyes as “a terror” and says he’s been harassing her son for months. “Wilson was the worst bully,” says Acevedo. “He would call me names. He would punch and kick me. I wish they never took the cuffs off of him.” He says Reyes ran up and punched him as 9-year-old Javonne McLeod pulled $5 from his pocket. We look forward to hearing McLeod’s version of events in tomorrow’s New York Times.

7-Year-Old Boy, Alleged Victim Fight in Tabloids