The festering sewage water of Brooklyn’s Gowanus Canal was blessed by a beautiful sea creature on this freezing afternoon, DNAinfo reports. “It was probably injured or sick, I don’t know why it would want to come in here,” said a local. “It’s disgusting. Hopefully we can get it out before it gets worse.” Rescuers are on the scene and NBC New York has a helicopter delivering live coverage because it’s Friday and people love dolphins. But you can’t really see anything because the water is, as previously stated, kind of gross.
Update: The dolphin is dead. CBS reports:
The wayward animal stopped moving shortly after 5:30 p.m. after getting wedged between a rock and a pillar below the Union Street Bridge, 1010 WINS’ Sonia Rincon reported.
Witnesses said they saw the dolphin flop around and struggle and hit its head against a pillar before it stopped moving and began floating.