After CBS anchor Rob Morrison, who was arrested on Sunday for allegedly choking his wife, resigned on Wednesday, the Daily News caught up with him in a coffee shop near his former office. “I truly believe this is the best for everybody,” said Morrison, adamantly denying the rumors that he only resigned because he was about to get fired. If the paper had only stuck with Morrison for a few more hours, they would have gotten the real scoop. A Post reporter sat with Morrison during happy hour at a Buffalo Wild Wings in Stamford, Connecticut, and got all the details on his messy home life “as he searched for answers at the bottom of a Bud Light pint.”
Police say they saw red marks on Ashley Morrison’s throat and heard Rob Morrison threaten to kill her; while downing three beers with a Post reporter, the former anchorman denied choking his wife and said she struck the first blow, smashing him in the face with the remote while they were watching Mystic Pizza. He suggested that Ashley has been abusing him for years, and asked if the reporter had ever heard of a syndrome involving men being beaten by women. “Don’t always assume it’s the woman that calls the cops,” Morrison said.
In Morrison’s case, however, it usually was the woman calling the cops. According to the NYPD, officers visited the Morrisons’ Manhattan apartment seven times, and Rob made only one of the calls. The other six were made by Ashley, and most involved Rob drinking.
Ashley told police that her husband had been drinking vodka on Sunday, though he’d attended AA meetings. In court this week, Rob promised to “not use or possess an intoxicant or controlled substances.” Morrison’s lawyer said that order wasn’t in effect after he posted bail on Tuesday, but the paper reported that Buffalo Wild Wings staffers saw him drinking on Sunday and Monday as well and posted a photo of the ex-anchor chugging a beer. For future reference, Post reporters don’t make very good drinking buddies.