newtown massacre

The Lanza Home Was a Veritable Arsenal of Guns, Knives, and Ammo

Nancy Lanza. Photo: Rex/Rex USA

The three guns that Adam Lanza brought with him to Sandy Hook Elementary school in December were just the tip of the iceberg. According to search warrants unsealed for the first time this morning, FBI investigators found a veritable arsenal inside the Lanza home, including four more guns, well over 1,600 rounds of ammo and numerous high-capacity magazines, three samurai swords, a six-foot spear, and a small collection of knives with blades as long as twelve inches.

Among their other finds: a book on autism; a book on Asperger’s; and a holiday card containing a check, made out to Adam from his mom, “for the purchase of a C183 (Firearm).”

The relevant documents:

Numerous Guns, Ammo, Knives Found in Lanza Home