daylight savings time

This Is Your Daylight Savings Time Reminder

But really, it’s 7 a.m. Photo: Alija/Getty Images

On Sunday morning at 2 a.m. EST, the majority of the United States’ clocks will move forward for Daylight Savings Time. The practice means that most Americans will lose an hour of sleep, which, according to one study, results in $1.5 billion in lost productivity a year. (It also might increase heart attacks and car wrecks.) Right now, only Hawaii and Arizona don’t recognize DST, but politicians from some other states hope to bring that luxury to their own citizens soon. “A lot of people wish we could just leave the clock alone,” New Mexico state senator Cliff Pirtle told Politico. He also pointed out that eliminating DST would save people money on air-conditioning, since they’d be asleep for an extra hour of hot sunlight. Florida state senator Darren Soto suggested the opposite by proposing that DST become permanent so that tourists “have an extra hour to enjoy the beach, enjoy the amusement parks, maybe go out to the eat.” Meanwhile, residents of places with actual seasons will just have to be happy for the reminder that spring is just around the corner.