On his tour of television interviews today, Anthony Weiner wanted to discuss Christine Quinn and term limits, but everyone just wanted to know more about his cybersex. The mayoral hopeful delivered, as he’s taken to doing lately, admitting that he sent sexy messages for “a couple of years” and that we may not have seen the last of them. “If reporters want to go try to find more, I can’t say that they’re not going to be able to find another picture, or find another person who may want to come out on their own,” Weiner told RNN’s Dominic Carter. “The basics of the story are not going to change.” But the devil is in the selfies.
“Basically, New Yorkers know the story. I did it. I did it with multiple people,” Weiner added to NBC. “These things were wrong and inappropriate, and I never should have been dishonest about it. They played out in the most public and embarrassing way possible. And that’s it.” Unless it’s not!