Step one: Quit your government job. Step two: Start a website. Step three: Give some speeches. Step four: Write a book. Hillary Clinton’s top secret “run for president in 2016” plan is going swimmingly — the Ready for Hillary super PAC is … ready — with news out this morning that she will write another book, following up 2003’s memoir Living History and the classic Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids’ Letters to the First Pets, with a volume about her successes and (modest) struggles as secretary of State, due out in 2014.
According to the Associated Press, financial terms were not disclosed, but last time she made a reported $8 million, so it depends on how we believe publishers weigh the Monica Lewinsky stuff versus another run for the White House. Early speculation from publishing people ranged from $5 million to $14 million, just shy of Bill’s $15 million for My Life.
She’s going with Simon & Schuster, whose president said, “This will be the ultimate book for people who are interested in world affairs and America’s place in the world today.” Topics covered will include “everything from the killing of Osama bin Laden and the Arab Spring to China and climate change,” while Benghazi remains a question mark. (And Fox News salivates.)
Meanwhile, old Clinton pal James Carville has joined the super PAC “devoted to luring Hillary Clinton into the 2016 presidential race,” becoming “the first of several heavy hitters who will be rolled out by Ready for Hillary PAC,” according to a source. “I’m not going to waste my time writing you about how great Hillary is or how formidable she’d be — you know it all already,” said Carville. “But it isn’t worth squat to have the fastest car at the racetrack if there ain’t any gas in the tank.”
According to a source, “Clinton does not plan to write about the 2008 campaign or any possible future runs,” but we’re comfortable reading between the lines.