Deadspin got its hands on an amazing casting call for an AT&T tribute ad for outgoing legend Mariano Rivera seeking “die hard Yankee fans!!!” They repeat, “We are ONLY looking for REAL YANKEE fans.” Allow them to break it down for you: “Wall Street types, men and women of all ethnicities, who will be on the stock market floor … Guys who look like hard hat guys, and roofers, and building maintenance guys, construction workers, and elevator repair guys, and a/c repairmen types … Street musicians … Would love a bunch of real kids who go to Columbia University … NYC hip scene. Think Williamsburg to Union Square.” (Ah, Union Square, bastion of the hip scene.) And lastly, “Great old guy Chess player types. Think Seymour Cassell meets Scatman Crothers.” So they’ll take anyone, really, not unlike the Yankees. Might we suggest Christine Quinn?