rich people problems

Rich People Sending Nannies to Private Schools

Children play with their nannies in the Peter Cooper Village and Stuyvesant Town apartment complex October 20, 2006 in New York City. MetLife sold the massive Manhattan complex of 110 apartment buildings for $5.4 billion to Tishman Speyer, with the sale expected to close later this year. The sale ended a high-stakes bidding war while residents are worried they will soon be priced out of what is now a middle-class apartment complex. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images

To volunteer in their place, that is. “They’re sending nannies for bake sales, book clubs, for the ice-skating group,” a representative of Manhattan Private School Advisors griped to the New York Post. “Parents can’t be bothered two days a year for an hour.” At both Marymount and Buckley, the administrations have been forced to lay down the law when it comes to safety patrol, with a memo from the latter reminding: “Parents are the only acceptable option for patrol. Caregivers, housekeepers, etc. may NOT walk safety patrol.” Annual tuition approaching the GDP of a small country doesn’t go as far as it used to.

Rich People Sending Nannies to Private Schools