Sexual harasser and former Brooklyn Democratic Party head Vito Lopez vowed on Friday to remain in the New York State Assembly until the June 20 end of the current legislative session, despite Governor Andrew Cuomo and Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver’s urging him resign over his long history of icky behavior. (Silver was planning on introducing a resolution to expel him.) But Lopez has now told the New York Post that he intends to step down at the beginning of next week. “Everything will end Monday,” declared the soon-to-be former assemblyman, citing “the sake” of his family, close friends, and his health as reasons for leaving.
“I want to make it clear that this is not an admission of wrongdoing on my part, have not admitted to wrongdoing, and I do feel I was denied an opportunity for due process in the investigations that took place,” he said. However, having realized that his ejection was inevitable, he concluded, “Why should I try and hold out for another 3 1/2 weeks?” Lopez also said he might abandon his plans to run for City Council, which hopefully means that we won’t have to hear from him ever again.
Update, 2:15 p.m.: Lopez has sent Silver a one-sentence letter forfeiting his Assembly seat, effective 9 a.m. Monday.