the sports section

Columnist: Aaron Hernandez’s Arrest Is ‘a Win’ for Tim Tebow

Former New England Patriots tight end AARON HERNANDEZ wears handcuffs as he is escorted into Attleboro District Court on Wednesday. Hernandez has not been ruled out as a suspect in the death of semi-pro football player, 27-year-old Odin Lloyd who was found shot dead near the home of Hernandez.
Aaron Hernandez. Photo: Nicolaus Czarnecki/METRO US/

Some choice lines from George Diaz’s Orlando Sentinel column, entitled “Hernandez arrest bodes well for Tebow at TE”:


As folks like to say, when one door closes, another opens up.

In this case, it’s the clink of the cellblock closing in on Aaron Hernandez, and the heavens parting for Tim Tebow.

And also:

Hernandez’s misery is a win for Tebow.

And finally:

To review:

Aaron Hernandez, Biggest Loser.

Tim Tebow, Big Winner.


Also a big loser here: journalism.

Columnist: Hernandez Arrest ‘a Win’ for Tebow