The new memoir by a U.S. Navy SEAL has nothing to do with Osama bin Laden. Instead, Warrior Princess tells the story of Chris Beck, the burly, bearded person on the cover and a “consummate guy’s guy,” who has since come out as transgender and changed her name to Kristin. After retiring in 2011, Beck decided “to make his body match his identity.” (The repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” does not apply to transgender service members.) To Beck’s delight, the manly killing machines she used to work with were accepting.
“I am now taking off all my disguises and letting the world know my true identity as a woman,” Beck wrote on LinkedIn, alongside a new profile picture of Kristin featuring the American flag. (Also, Navy SEALs use LinkedIn like Facebook, apparently.) “Brother, I am with you … being a SEAL is hard, this looks harder. Peace,” one SEAL commented. Another added, “I just wanted to drop you a note and tell you that Kris has all the support and respect from me that Chris had … and quite possibly more.” America!