As Eliot Spitzer continues his campaign for comptroller, his most important task may be convincing New Yorkers that they should trust him again even after he cheated on his wife and broke the law and did that awful show on CNN. It seems like it’s working so far, as 67 percent of Democrats say Spitzer deserves a second chance. But will voters find a way to get over Spitzer’s latest betrayal?
Eliot Spitzer failed to vote in last year’s presidential election — just four days after penning a column proclaiming “Why I Am Voting for Barack Obama,” The Post has learned….
A spokeswoman said Spitzer couldn’t make it to the polls because he had to high-tail it to San Francisco to serve as a paid co-anchor of Current TV’s round-table election coverage.
The Post points out that Spitzer could have simply mailed in an absentee ballot, and it does seem as if he’d deemed it important enough, Spitzer could have found a way to vote. Of course, being a New Yorker, Spitzer’s vote was not, in fact, important. Had his vote actually mattered — had New York not been completely marginalized by the electoral college — perhaps he would have given more of a shit.