Did you think that savvy business woman Sydney Leathers had already starred in a porn movie? The very racy video performance she participated in at the beginning of the month did leave a lot of people with that arguably incorrect impression. Apparently, the public’s lack of discernment is what inspired her to film Weiner and Me, which the New York Daily News reports is “a full-fledged porn movie” now available on the Internet. “After I did the Vivid photo shoot a couple weeks ago, people already thought I made a porno, so it was like, ‘Eh, they think I did, I might as well,’ ” Leathers told the paper. So, what drew her to this project? “There is sex, but it has some really funny bits too. That’s part of the reason I agreed to do it.” We’ll leave it to the world’s remaining Carlos Danger joke fans to decide if that’s true.