gun control

Anti-‘Stand Your Ground’ PSA Features Dramatic Reenactment of Trayvon Martin Shooting

A new ad from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence uses the 911 tapes from the night George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin in Florida and pairs them with glossy reenactment footage of the tragedy. While not as affecting as the actual, real-life crime-scene photos, the clip is nonetheless effective and ends on the slogan “Our laws should protect victims. Not create more.”

The clip comes from producer Floyd Russ, who told Adweek he got the idea the night of Zimmerman’s not-guilty verdict. The company raised $5,000 in one week to cover costs.

These are laws that are causing human tragedies and that’s what we are trying to show,” said a rep for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. “This is something that not only affected the Martin and Zimmerman families but those who either saw or heard the events unfold.”

Trayvon Martin ‘Stand Your Ground’ PSA: Video