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Being Joe Biden’s Niece Is Difficult, As Is Paying Rent

Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the 36th Annual Harkin Steak Fry on September 15, 2013 in Indianola, Iowa. Sen. Harkin's Democratic fundraiser is one of the largest in Iowa each year.
Photo: Steve Pope/Getty Images

While Caroline Biden’s blowout Tuesday morning roommate fight — and subsequent altercation with a police officer — has been attributed to a rent-related issue, former friend and sort of socialite Paul Johnson Calderon told the New York Post that the 26-year-old’s problems stem from the “pressures of being Joe Biden’s niece,” which have “made her totally unravel.” Calderon, who is currently in a sober living facility, compared Biden to Amanda Bynes and explained that she has spent the last few years being used “because of who she is,” with guys only “want[ing] to date her because of who her ­uncle is.” He also claimed her family has cut her off financially. However, the Post reports that her father, James Biden Sr., put down the security deposit for the Tribeca apartment she has been subletting, though the mother of the home’s other tenant says Biden only pays rent “when she feels like it.” Obviously the vice president has no comment on this particular mid-twenties psychodrama.

Being Biden’s Niece, Paying Rent Difficult