pop quiz

Quiz: Which of These Things Were Actually Mentioned During Ted Cruz’s Fauxlibuster?

Photo: C-Span

On the floor of the Senate, around 2:40 p.m. yesterday afternoon, Texas senator Ted Cruz started talking about why he doesn’t like Obamacare. As of this writing, he is still going.

Cruz hasn’t exactly been speaking nonstop for nineteen hours — he took some long breaks while ceding the microphone to Senate colleagues like Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio — but he has been speaking for a long, long time. And with so much time to fill, it’s not surprising that Cruz and Friends occasionally veered off into tangents that were perhaps not directly related to the topic of Obamacare. See if you can tell which of these restaurant chains, celebrities, books, and movies were actually mentioned during the fauxlibuster, and which of them weren’t. 

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Which Things Were Mentioned During Fauxlibuster?