5. Rob Ford shouting basically the entire time. He has no inside voice.
4. “I’m the best father around.” Granted, we don’t know much about Ford’s parenting skills. We do know that he once brought his kids to the black-tie Garrison Ball, but he was so belligerently drunk and/or high that an aide took his kids to a McDonald’s instead. It is impossible that he is the absolute best father around, or even in the twentieth percentile.
3. Even in his “new leaf” phase, Ford continues to lie ferociously. “They said, ‘Do you smoke crack and are you a crack addict?’” Ford insists, referring to reporters in the months prior to his crack-smoking admission two weeks ago. “No, I don’t smoke crack and I’m not a crack addict. Have I? Yes I have. So that’s what — I didn’t lie.” Semantic games aside, reporters asked Ford “countless times,” in the words of the Toronto Star, whether he had ever smoked crack. Here’s one instance on video.
2. When he yelled “bullshit” in front of children and immediately apologized.
1. “I don’t look at myself as the mayor, I look at myself as a normal, regular person.” Yes. Exactly. That’s all of Ford’s problems in a nutshell.