Upon canceling his highly popular one-hour TV show Ford Nation after a single episode, Sun News (the Fox News of the North) made it clear the disgraced crack-smoking Toronto mayor Rob Ford was welcome back anytime, but only in a guest commentator role. In the meantime, Ford has decided to take his rantings to the Internet — where, quite frankly, they’ve always belonged. The Associated Press reports that Ford and his brother, City Councillor Doug Ford, are planning a YouTube version of the show, one that will allow them to “get their message out and not have that message be twisted by the media.” Doug Ford told the AP to expect this unedited version out before Christmas, featuring a sober, healthier mayor. “If Rob comes back a new man, 70-80 pounds lighter, he’s going to win the next election,” he said. Given how well that goal went the last time, that’s a pretty big “if.”