stand clear of the closing doors

Thursdays in October Are the MTA’s Time to Shine

NEW YORK - JUNE 18: A subway conductor looks out his window June 18, 2003 in New York City. A new report by the New York Police Department (NYPD) reports that felonies are down 15 percent this year on New York’s subways. The NYPD credits an increase in officers at subway stations for part of the drop in crime on trains and stations. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) Photo: Spencer Platt/2003 Getty Images

On October 24, the MTA hit a new record for subway rides taken in one day: 5,985,311 of them. As the New York Times’ Matt Flegenheimer reports, that’s how Thursdays in October work, and that’s when ridership records get set. It’s a month during which few people take vacations, so lots are commuting, and Thursdays combine the “high peak-period ridership of a midweek morning with an after-work slate of happy hours and late nights out,” an MTA spokesman told Flegenheimer. Perhaps next year we can shoot for a cool six million.

Thursdays in October Are the MTA’s Time to Shine