other obamas

Court Decides Obama’s Kenyan Uncle Can Stay Here

Photo: AP Photo/Steven Senne/Corbis

If people know the name Onyango Obama, it’s likely because of the president’s uncle’s drunk-driving arrest in 2011, which Mitt Romney turned into a thing by suggesting he would deport the undocumented Kenyan national. But an immigration judge in Boston saw the DUI as a single blemish in an otherwise upstanding life. “He appears to me to be a gentleman and I’m inclined to grant his application on that basis,” Judge Leonard Shapiro said, citing the 69-year-old Obama’s volunteer work, history of paying taxes, and the fact that he was “a good neighbor and a good friend.” Onyango, the half-brother of the president’s father, reportedly said during his arrest, “I think I will call the White House.” When he was asked on Tuesday whether he’d done so, he said, “I might have, but I’m not sure.

Court Decides Obama’s Kenyan Uncle Can Stay Here