nice things

‘Finders Keepers’ Rule Applies to Lottery Tickets

ACEBM8 Stack of bundled 100 dollar bills
Photo: D. Hurst / Alamy/? D. Hurst / Alamy

Great news for people who wish life was more like kindergarten: It turns out that the “finders keepers” rule does have real-life implications. In the case of Long Island landscaper Marvin Martinez, the adage came in handy when he found a Win $1,000 a Week for Life scratch ticket while raking leaves in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Because no one else came forward to claim the misplaced winnings during the required one-year waiting period, the New York State Gaming Commission gave Martinez the prize on Friday. Martinez told the New York Post that the $515,612 post-tax loot he’s gotten “won’t change” him. He does plan to send money home to El Salvador, help his mom fix her Hicksville house, and take his wife on a honeymoon. “I’m still going to keep working six days a week,” he added. Meanwhile, we’re going to quit our jobs so we can spend our days combing the streets for lotto tickets.

Long Island Man Finds Winning Lottery Ticket