talking about the weather

‘Nor’easter Bomb,’ Including More Snow, Means Winter Is Still Not Over

Oh, you thought it was spring? Next week, despite it being late March, could bring a giant snowstorm to basically anywhere along the East Coast, according to the weather authorities. At Slate, Eric Holthaus explains that the National Weather Service is expecting a “bomb” on Tuesday night, “a technical word meteorologists use when low pressure centers deepen at a rate faster than 24 millibars in 24 hours, which happens in only the most intense storms.”

Even if the snow happens to miss New York City, temperatures “will be 10 to 25 degrees colder than long-term averages across most of the East, more fitting of mid-January than late March,” beginning Sunday and carrying through most of the week, he writes. Just a little something to look forward to this weekend.

From the NWS:

The East Coast cyclone has the potential to produce late-season heavy snowfall over a wide swath of real estate from Virginia to New England; that is a generality at this point. Much remains in terms of refining the forecast state by state. Another high-impact factor will be the powerful winds generated by this sprawling, intense circulation, along with high seas, beach battery, coastal flooding, and so forth.

Reasonable” estimates have around six inches of snow coating D.C., NYC, and Boston by Wednesday, which does really not seem reasonable at all.

‘Nor’easter Bomb’ Coming With More Snow