José Rivera, the state assemblyman representing District 78, in the Bronx, made a doozy of a video in the Dominican Republic recently. It’s a short segment in which he strolls around talking to strangers and one street vendor, and it’s all fairly good-natured. But it takes a turn for the creepy as Rivera asks one woman if she has a little sister and inquires of another, “Where do you live, what is your street address? What are your body measures?”
The assemblyman’s chief of staff told Politicker, “assemblyman Jose Rivera did not mean to offend anyone, if anyone was offended by the video.” And his office took it down. But it was too late for blogger Andres Dubuque, who re-posted it with a translation. “For somebody who’s a Representative to do this and then post it on their YouTube page … it made cringe,” he told Politicker. Cringe-worthy or sexy? Watch the video and decide for yourself.