On Tuesday morning, a very energetic dog decided to follow a Metro-North train as it left the Bronx’s Mott Haven Junction en route to Grand Central Station. Running on a parallel track, she stuck with the commuters all the way to Manhattan. This could have ended badly but, luckily, the train’s engineer, Joseph Delia, turned out to be a dog person — or, at least, a person who didn’t want to see an animal die gruesomely on the tracks.
Delia told the New York Post that, at one point, the dog “got past the lead car while the train was at a red signal, and found herself racing to keep ahead of it,” forcing him to slow down and brake a couple times when she fell in between the railroad ties. “She’s not a very big dog. I was worried she wouldn’t make it and get electrocuted,” said the engineer, who explained that he had also been worried that she would touch the third rail.
When the train finally pulled into the 125th Street Station, two MTA officers and a station worker, who had been made of aware of the heartwarming adventure, made their way toward the dog so they could corral her to safety. But there was no need to do so because, the Post reports, she ran up to them on her own. The Metro-North passengers, who apparently didn’t mind being a little late, cheered. The dog, which has been named Tie, is now being cared for by Animal Control and will be put up for adoption if they can’t locate her owner. The story is not unlike that of the subway kittens, only way less inconvenient for everyone involved.
Here is a truly adorable video of Tie doing some tricks: