A 33-year-old charmer named Karl Sholder was arrested on Monday for “placing his iPhone under a woman’s skirt and videotaping her as she walked up the stairs at the Union Square station,” CBS 2 reports. Sholder wasn’t home when the station’s reporters stopped by his place in Long Island, so they just let his Facebook photo — in which he sports an “I [heart] Asian Girls” T-shirt while giving a thumbs up — speak for itself.
As Gothamist notes, Union Square is a popular spot for this particular form of extra-creepy sexual harassment, probably because it’s so crowded: Last year, a guy was caught taking an up-skirt picture of a woman with his iPod touch, which he cleverly hid in a plastic bag. Before that, a Manhattan urologist was busted for using a camera attached to a pen to do the same.
And, as one woman pointed out after hearing about this latest incident, the perverts will be out in full force soon enough: “I wear skirts every day when the weather is nice, or a dress, so I’m definitely going to be more cautious about what I’m wearing and who is around me,” she said. Have a vigilant spring, ladies.