At his campaign kickoff on Thursday, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford thanked supporters for standing by him during the “rocky moments over the past year,” and underscored his refusal to admit he has any addiction issues by giving everyone one free drink. Supporters could also score Rob Ford bobblehead dolls, but those cost $30 to $100 a pop. In case you’re wondering, this isn’t how they usually do things up north. The Toronto Star notes, “His main rivals, Olivia Chow and John Tory, chose much smaller venues for their events that did not feature a bagpipe entrance, a rock band, balloons, campaign memorabilia — for sale — or a firetruck with a banner ‘Saving the taxpayers from getting burned.’”
The firefighters union complained that the display was “utterly tasteless,” particularly because four fire trucks are being taken out of service due to budget cuts. In his defense, it’s not like Ford can host a party and not do something controversial.