The woman heard around the world letting L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling hang himself with his racist views when she asked, on tape, of her Instagram co-stars, “If it was white people it’s okay?” says she never meant any harm. V. Stiviano, Sterling’s alleged girlfriend, was “very saddened” that the NBA banned the 80-year-old bigot for life, her lawyer claimed with a straight face. She “never wanted any harm to Donald,” he said. “My client is devastated that this got out.”
Stiviano has said she did not release the tape to the media, even though Sterling’s wife Rochelle happens to be suing her for the return of the $1.8 million apartment, multiple cars, and piles of cash Donald gifted her, supposedly without his wife’s permission. (The suit says Stiviano used her “feminine wiles” to trick the old man.)
“It’s nothing like it’s been portrayed,” her lawyer said. “She’s not the type of person everyone says.” While refusing to confirm the pair’s sexual arrangement — despite Sterling’s repeated reference to their “relationship” in the recording and the unmistakable sound of a couple, even an unconventional one, arguing — the attorney has maintained that Stiviano simply worked as Sterling “archivist.” (Hence the taping?)
ESPN, however, did report that a third person was in the room during the Instagram fight, and Stiviano can be heard referring to someone named “Lucy.” The lawyer said “someone released [the tape] for money,” but not Stiviano.
“She had no association with any rich people before this,” he added. And lest anyone doubt the supposedly genuine affection between the two, go back and listen to the part where Stiviano fixes Sterling a drink, even amid a heated battle in which she repeatedly calls him a racist. “I’m sorry, honey, can I get you a little more juice?” she says in an overlooked portion of the tape. “Here you go, honey, a little bit of juice, baby. A little bit of juice for you, honey.” If that’s not love …