When Hillary Clinton was hospitalized after a fall in December 2012, many on the right claimed she was faking an illness to avoid testifying about Benghazi. While appearing at a conference near Los Angeles last week, Karl Rove suggested the opposite might be true: Clinton is covering up a far more serious illness. “Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury?” Rove said, according to the Post, “We need to know what’s up with that.”
Clinton has said a team of doctors determined a blood clot was “what’s up with that,” and her rep responded, “Please assure Dr. Rove she’s 100 percent.”
Rove may have gotten some of the details wrong – Clinton was hospitalized for three days, not 30 – but “Bush’s brain” knows what he’s talking about. This is a woman who demanded that her daughter get pregnant to boost her 2016 chances and planned to have someone throw a shoe at her, so obviously she must be lying about her health.