At a certain point it’s just sad. Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s prolonged downfall and public battle with addiction is unique in just how much of it has been captured on video — not once or twice, but over and over and over again, Ford is out on the town wasted or in a basement with his drug buddies and someone whips out a camera phone while he continues to bumble about, incoherent and oblivious. The latest comes courtesy of the Toronto Sun, and was reportedly filmed April 27, the day after the most recent crack tape, which led to Ford’s trip to rehab, finally (supposedly).
The clip is here and features Ford shadowboxing and rubbing his sizable tummy, but you can pretty much get the idea from the transcript. We’ve seen this before:
FORD: “No one better f—with me. I’m going to kick you in the f—ing head … I’ll knock you out, pa-pow! (making punching gestures), you b——, you b——… bro, bro.”
PATRON: This round of tequila …
FORD: Jack, Jack Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack (Daniels?), Jack, sweetheart. Jack.
WOMAN: And it’s last call.
FORD: I’m nodding here. I’m in f—ing divorce and going to the f—ing doghouse and going in a hotel. (Inaudible) I don’t know what to say.
What could one possibly say?
Meanwhile, Ford’s brother Doug continues to vaguely refute rumors that the mayor has been in and out of a rehab facility or not at one at all. “We’ll put out something [Friday] that will prove that,” he told the Sun. “Since the day he went in, he has never been out in public.” If he in fact has, we will see the video soon enough.