Let’s get this out of the way, again: Hillary Clinton has “moved on” from the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which is probably healthy since it happened in 1998. And no, Clinton didn’t read Lewinsky’s recent essay in Vanity Fair, the one that calls her out for referring to the long-ago intern as a “narcissistic loony toon” — “I find her impulse to blame the Woman — not only me, but herself — troubling,” Lewinsky wrote — and Clinton doesn’t plan on it.
“I’m not going to comment on what did and didn’t happen,” Clinton says in a new People cover story timed to the release of her secretary of state memoir Hard Choices. “I think everybody needs to look to the future.” But she’s not quite ready to talk about the future yet, either.
Instead of discussing 2016, Clinton tells People that she’s been sleeping in until 8 a.m., doing yoga and aquatics (but “not as much as I should”), and curling up with Netflix. She and Bill “totally binge-watched” season one of House of Cards and felt “a little bit of the, ‘Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe we can just sit here and do this’ and ‘We’re only going to watch one episode, oh, let’s watch another. Okay, well, we have time, we’re not going anywhere, let’s watch a third.’ I know that sounds kind of devoid of content.” It’s actually hours and hours of content, and you’ll find no judgment here.
“I know I have a decision to make,” Clinton says. She doesn’t mean Orange Is the New Black or House of Cards season two. “But part of what I’ve been thinking about, is everything I’m interested in and everything I enjoy doing – and with the extra added joy of ‘I’m about to become a grandmother,’ I want to live in the moment. At the same time I am concerned about what I see happening in the country and in the world.” So … that’s a maybe? It’s definitely not quite Shermanesque — again.