Cartoonish one-term tea party congressman Joe Walsh has since settled for the more fitting job of conservative radio host, but he can’t even do that right.
Walsh flipped out on Twitter last night after he was apparently kicked off of his own radio show, “The Joe Walsh Show,” for repeated attempts to say the N-word in a segment about the growing backlash against the Washington Redskins’ team name. (The episode has not yet been added to the archive at
“If Redskins is just like the ‘N-word,’ why can I say Redskins on-air without being dumped out into a commercial?” he asked.
It’s not clear if Walsh really is too dense to realize the entire debate hinges on a professional sports team normalizing (and profiting on!) a slur that is not recognized widely enough as such. The distinction he’s making only undermines his point. (Not to mention that attempting to compare the severity of racial language never looks good.)
Whatever happened to freedom of speech? he will definitely ask at some point.