Ohio authorities have previously arrested Edwin Tobergta for having sexual relations in public with a pool raft, but the dating scene in Ohio is really hard. What do you expect:
>A Hamilton man who admitted last year to having sex with a pool raft has been arrested again for the same alleged behavior.
Edwin Tobergta, 35, of Harmon Avenue, was charged today with felony public indecency after a passerby observed him nude having simulated sex with a pink life raft at about 8 a.m. on Ohio 4, according to the Hamilton police report.
According to a 911 call, a man passing by the Wendell Greene Motors lot at 698 Dixie Hwy. said he saw “a guy back here naked having sex or something with something.”
I know this isn’t “politically correct,” but if Ohio police don’t want men having public sex with pool rafts, maybe they should have the pool rafts cover up or something. I mean, a completely exposed pink pool raft is just asking for trouble, at least in that state.