Depends on whom you ask.
Sunday afternoon. Washington Square Park. Giant goddamn snake:
A woman dialed 911 and told the operator the snake was more than 9-feet-long, cops said.
But the Daily News says it was more like a two-foot snake. (Source? N/A.)
That’s not much of a story, so WABC adds four feet and potential children in danger:
Police are investigating after a 6-foot long green snake was discovered in a grassy area near the playground in Washington Square Park in Manhattan on Sunday.
But notes that it was probably “a king snake or a corn snake and … non-venomous in nature.” Meh.
So NBC New York ups the ante again:
Police said they cleared a 10-foot-long snake out of a park in Manhattan Sunday afternoon.
Meanwhile, New Jersey is over here like, Ha, must be nice. “It’s a green anaconda,” warns a reptile expert of the monster loose in Lake Hopatcong. “I’ve known its species [since last week], but I was sworn to keep my mouth shut by local officials to avoid causing a panic. Now that there’s a panic, I’m going on the record.” It’s probably about — I don’t know, just estimating here — 30 feet long. With fangs.
And still on the loose.