The shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing passenger jet on Thursday was, somehow, particularly nightmarish for one woman. Kaylene Mann, an Australian, told reporters that her stepdaughter and her stepdaughter’s husband, Maree and Albert Rizk, were among the 298 people killed when Flight 17 crashed into a field in Ukraine. She also explained that in an awful, surreal coincidence, her brother and sister-in-law, Rod and Mary Burrows, were aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 when it disappeared over the southern Indian Ocean in March.
“It’s just brought everyone, everything back,” said Mann’s brother, Greg Burrows. “It’s just … ripped our guts again.” Burrows went on to say that while his family is trying to understand how they came to share all of Malaysia Airlines’ terrible luck, they don’t blame the company. “Nobody could predict they were going to get shot down,” he said. “That was out of their hands.” There’s really nothing to add.