Here’s another terrible twist to the story of the celeb nude photos that were leaked by hackers over the weekend: The stash reportedly includes images of Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney that were taken when she was underage.
A Reddit forum called r/TheFappening (really? really!) has been gleefully collecting the illegally obtained snaps. Now, the subreddit is scrambling to delete the photos of Maroney after Reddit administrators warned its moderators that Maroney was underage when they were taken.
r/TheFappening has also been circulating photos of MTV actress Liz Lee — whose pictures were not included in the initial dump — that could also constitute child pornography. Moderators are eager to have the offending photos entirely removed so that the subsection won’t be banned from Reddit. As The Daily Dot notes, “The Reddit community r/TheFappening has become the main hub for the leaked photos, due to the fact that Reddit is one of the few mainstream websites that isn’t proactively deleting all links to them.”
So, to recap: child pornography — obviously bad. Posting naked photos of women obtained illegally and published without their consent — totally fine, man, why are you so uptight? Reddit, everybody!