A man opened fire in Florida State University’s Strozier Library on Thursday morning, wounding three people. Hundreds fled the building or looked for places to hide as they heard repeated gunshots. “It was a consecutive bop, bop, bop, bop, bop,” said freshman Nikolai Hernandez, who was in his dorm room across from the library. “It makes me definitely a little bit nervous. I was supposed to be in the library. I had a paper to do and I got a little bit lazy and decided not to do it.”
Police say they confronted the gunman and ordered him to drop his weapon. He responded by firing one shot, and they returned fire, killing him.
One of the victims is in critical condition and another is stable, according to CNN. The condition of the third victim is unknown.
“You never think something like this is going to happen to you until you have to react in that situation when someone is screaming there is a gun in the building. I ran for my life,” said freshman Allison Kope. “I ran right out the backdoor. My laptop and everything is still in there. It was shock. It was just instinct. You don’t think about anything else, you just go.”