Twenty-four-year-old Carli Richards was at the midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, when gunman James Holmes opened fire on July 20, 2012, killing 12 people. Richards was among the 70 people injured, suffering multiple injuries to her back, arm, and shoulders that left gun pellets embedded in her flesh. Now Richards is using those pellets in an effort to keep herself off the streets.
Fox Denver reports that Richards has turned to the murder memorabilia site Serial Killers Ink to make money to pay off some of her debts and fund basic living expenses. Richards listed an actual pellet that doctors removed from her skin on the website for $1,650. As of Friday morning, it had been sold.
“I’ve had trouble holding on to jobs, we got flooded out of our home at one point, I mean it’s been one thing after the other,” Richards said.