The NYPD “work stoppage” that started a few weeks ago following the execution of two cops is still in full swing, according to the New York Times. Officers reportedly arrested less than half as many people last week than they did during the same week in 2013, and wrote 90 percent fewer summonses.
Writes the Times:
For the seven days ending Sunday, officers made 2,401 arrests citywide, compared with 5,448 in the same week a year ago, a 56 percent decline. For criminal infractions, most precincts’ tallies for the week were close to zero. Citywide, there were 347 criminal summonses written, compared with 4,077 in the same week a year ago, according to Police Department statistics. Parking and traffic tickets also dropped more than 90 percent, the statistics showed.
The NYPD chalked up the previous decline to a “mourning period” following the deaths of officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, but the Times points out that the continued decrease may reflect a more organized effort by the NYPD to scale back arrests. For now, work stoppage has not been approved by police union leaders.