
Shots Fired Outside of Biden’s Delaware House

The Associated Press reports that someone fired a gun several times outside of Vice-President Joe Biden’s Delaware house on Saturday night. Biden and his wife, Jill, weren’t there, and no one was hurt. 

From the AP

Secret Service spokesman Robert Hoback said the shots were fired at around 8:25 p.m. on a public road outside the secure perimeter near the home in Greenville, Delaware. The shots were heard by Secret Service personnel, who saw the vehicle drive past the home at a high rate of speed and flee the scene.

The Secret Service said about 30 minutes later, an individual in a vehicle tried to pass a New Castle County police officer securing the outer perimeter of the area. That person was arrested for resisting arrest and will be questioned regarding the shooting to determine if he was involved.

Investigators are now examining the Bidens’ home and those of their neighbors to see whether any bullets hit the residences. It’s hard to imagine someone having it out for our charming vice-president, but then again