
Your Grocery Store Is Already Out of Bread and Water

Photo: Keith Srakocic/AP/Corbis

As the northeast braces for what may be (or may not be) a historic snowstorm this week, everyone’s favorite disaster-preparedness ritual is out in full swing. Those concerned about their ability to ride out the snowstorm on stale pasta, cereal, and the remnants of last week’s takeout have been storming grocery stores and food co-ops in hopes of securing some last-minute fresh produce to ride out a few days. If you’re just gearing up to go out now, you’re probably out of luck, but it’s not too late to observe the chaos from the safety of your snuggie.

The already-long Trader Joe’s lines have gotten much, much longer:

While those at Whole Foods had less stamina:

And shelves at other stores are empty, too:

If people even made it inside:

Line to get into the #ParkSlopeFoodCoop? #breadandmilk!! #psfc #parkslope #Blizzardof15

A photo posted by Colin O'Donnell (@colin_odonnell) on

And, of course, some stores had surprising merchandise:

Your Grocery Store Is Out of Bread and Water