After kicking off her campaign via YouTube video, Hillary Clinton made her campaign-trail debut at a gas station in Pennsylvania. On Sunday afternoon the former secretary of State resigned from the board of the Clinton Foundation, then hopped in a van driven by a Secret Service agent (which she reportedly nicknamed “Scooby,” for the Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine) and began making her way to Iowa. She was spotted chatting with people at a Pilot gas station, and later she tweeted a photo of a family she met along the way. “It’s her idea,” an aide told CNN. “She loves a road trip and hopes to see people along the way.” How (unconvincingly) spontaneous!
Clinton is traveling in a three-car caravan with aides Nick Merrill and Huma Abedin, and plans to make more unscheduled stops as she travels through Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois in the coming days.
“We know at some point she’ll get OJ’ed like the White Bronco,” one campaign aide told Politico. “But it’s worth the risk … If she gets mobbed or we have a circus-type scene, that’s one day in an 18-month campaign, and we can deal with it.” Obviously, no one wants to see excited Clinton supporters causing a scene at rest stops across America, but Hillary has a passion for road trips that won’t be denied.