A new Public Policy Polling poll released today shows that 9 percent of North Carolina voters have a sense of humor or are already tired of the election; when asked whether they would vote for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or independent candidate Deez Nuts in November 2016, 9 percent chose the questionably named underdog. That means that Deez Nuts, who announced his campaign last month, is currently in fourth place behind “Not Sure.”
In a recent PPP poll in Minnesota, Nuts got 8 percent of the vote; in Iowa, the candidate got 7 percent.
According to the North Carolina poll, fewer people approve of the candidate than would vote for him. Six percent of voters have a favorable opinion of the candidate, while 81 percent of voters aren’t sure what to think. No polling firms have devoted much time to find out what voters think of the many other dozens of presidential candidates running this year, including independent Sydneys Voluptuous Buttocks, Crawfish B. Crawfish, and Democratic cats Limberbutt McCubbins and Buddy the Cat.
Update: Rolling Stone’s search for rising political star Deez Nuts led them to Brady Olson, a 15-year-old Iowan about to start his sophomore year of high school. (His dad confirmed his identity on Twitter). He told the magazine he leans Libertarian, though “I’m fifteen, so I haven’t been registered yet.” He thinks people should vote for him “[b]ecause I’m young and I think I have fresher ideas because whatever decisions I make would have longer effects on me.”
Obviously, Olson is too young to be elected president, but that’s kind of his point. When asked why he thinks he’s qualified for the job, Olson said, “The fact that if I can fill out a form so vague that it doesn’t include your age, or the fact that all get accepted even if they’re only partially filled, anyone can run.”