game of drones

Drone Pays Visit to Brooklyn Heights Office

Photo: Brendan Hunter/Getty Images

Offices drones came face-to-face with an actual drone Thursday afternoon, when a hovering copter peeked into an office window on the 30th floor of a Brooklyn Heights high-rise. The drone, which flew by the windows of commercial and residential buildings, appeared to be commandeered by some guy on a nearby rooftop who stopped his antics after “several minutes.” But people who spotted the flying robot were understandably a little perturbed: “I saw the camera piece and I thought ‘That’s a little freaky,’” one office worker told The Brooklyn Eagle. “You don’t know what they’re capturing with their cameras.” This midday disruption is still relatively minor compared to the recent close calls over Newark and JFK airports, where at least one drone came within 25 feet of a zooming jet, but the purpose of all these airborne mishaps still remains unclear. 

Drone Pays Visit to Brooklyn Heights Office