Proving once again that America needs to have a billionaire real-estate developer/reality-show character at the helm, Donald Trump just proposed a plan that’s sure to solve the Syrian refugee crisis. At a rally in Knoxville, Tennessee, Trump said he’s noticed that people tend to prefer their country of origin even when they have the opportunity to live in America. (Weird!) Plus, resettling refugees in foreign nations is ludicrous — but not for the reasons you’ve heard.
“I mean they’re gonna learn German, they’re gonna learn all these different languages. It’s ridiculous,” Trump said. “The weather — a friend of mine lives in Minnesota. And he calls me, he says can you imagine? It’s 130 degrees in Syria and now they want to send some up to Minnesota where it’s 30 degrees. Well, these people are gonna be very, very unhappy. Its cold and beautiful, but it’s cold.”
So, here’s the plan: “What I like is build a safe zone … build a big beautiful safe zone and you have, whatever it is, so people can live, and they’ll be happier,” Trump explained. “So you keep ’em in Syria, you build a tremendous safe zone. It’ll cost you tremendously, much less. And they’ll be there, and the weather’s the same.” Trump said he’s sure that with his business expertise, he could get a deal on a “swatch” of land in Syria.
It’s basically his ingenious wall along the Mexican border, but times four, so the logic here checks out.