A dating site called White People Meet sounds like a bizarre, racist joke — and it is, but it’s also an actual website where you can theoretically find a date with a white person. The site, created by a Utah car salesman and his wife, launched last week with a large billboard near Salt Lake City, and — surprise! — it was immediately controversial.
White People Meet is a weird phenomenon in that its co-founder, used-car guy Bill Russell, seems to see it as both a satire of a dating site for people of color and as a legitimate, totally non-racist business venture.
“He found himself marveling at the number of Black People Meet ads airing on daytime TV,” the Washington Post reports. “He and his wife, who technically owns the dating site, quickly became convinced both that online dating was a good pre-retirement business endeavor … and that white people faced a dearth of online dating opportunities.”
“The site” — again, that’s White People Meet Dot Com — “is not racially motivated in any way,” Russell, who “dated a black woman once,” told the Post.
As an example, he suggested his site would be “a good option” for black men looking to date white women (because they’ve definitely got a great shot with white women who’d willingly sign up for a site called “White People Meet”).
Russell insists White People Meet is about “equal opportunity” … for white people.
“I just believe it’s hypocrisy to say ‘one group can do this, but another can’t,’” he told the Post. “Equal opportunity means equal opportunity for everyone.”
Thank god, someone is finally providing opportunities for white people in America.
According to Russell, 1,000 people had registered for White People Meet as of this Monday.