On Monday, ISIS released a video rebooting its infamous “Jihadi John” character — a British, balaclava-covered executioner who thirsts for the blood of infidels.
The man who originally filled this role, Mohammed Emwazi, was likely killed by a U.S. drone strike in November. Authorities now believe that his replacement in the Islamic State’s newly released snuff film is Siddhartha Dhar — a British citizen and former salesman of bouncy castles.
According to the BBC, after Dhar stopped providing children with inflatable birthday palaces, he became one of Britain’s top Islamist propagandists. Dhar was awaiting trial on charges of encouraging terrorism when he fled to Syria in 2014.
The new video also features a pint-sized jihadi, whom the British press have dubbed “Jihadi Junior.” The Guardian reports that the boy may be the four-year-old grandson of Henry Dare, a devout Christian and London resident. Dare’s daughter converted to Islam as a teenager and traveled to Syria to join the jihadist resistance in the country’s civil war.