San Francisco has a pee problem. For years the city has battled public urination, but despite a 2002 law banning it, the threat of a $500 fine, and the introduction of pee-fighting wall paint last summer, the city’s still trying to tackle its urine epidemic. Its latest move is installing an open-air urinal in Dolores Park, which is apparently a hot spot for public micturators, otherwise known as dudes.
Think about it: When’s the last time you saw a lady peeing in public? And when’s the last time you saw a dude whip it out and relieve himself in some corner just because he can? With its public urinal (which, let’s be honest, is a dedicated wall with a hole under it), San Francisco is enabling the half of the population that already exercises very little bladder-related self-control. “The more options we can give [people] to relieve themselves, the better for the park-goers,” a city supervisor told the Los Angeles Times. In other words, if city planners dig a hole in the ground, surround it with concrete, and call it a urinal, maybe dudes will pee here instead of everywhere else.
The new “urinal” is part of a massive renovation of Dolores Park that also included 26 new public toilets, also known as bathrooms for people who pee like human beings, sometimes while sitting down.