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‘Damn’ Daniel Lara Back at It Again With a Lifetime Supply of Vans

Daniel Lara and Josh Holz, the two teenagers responsible for “Damn, Daniel!,” were on Ellen Tuesday, because that is how memes work in 2016. Ellen gave Holz a surfboard and got Vans to give him a lifetime supply of shoes (how exactly is that quantified, by the way?). Notably, she didn’t publicly give Lara $10,000, as a rumor floating around the internet alleged (Telepictures, the show’s production company, didn’t return a request for comment about the rumor). That being said, Kayla Newman hasn’t received a lifetime supply of anything, and “On Fleek” is a golden meme. “Damn, Daniel!” will fade into the horizon within a couple of months, but “On Fleek” is forever.

‘Damn’ Daniel Lara Will Be Back at It for Life